Lockdown diary

On 23 March 2020, the UK went into lockdown. The children’s school had closed the week before and the photo-a-day project that I had started at the beginning of January 2020 turned into a lockdown diary. Looking back now, even though we are still in the midst of the pandemic, it feels like such a surreal time. We did get into a routine of sorts; after breakfast, we would start the day with PE With Joe, then do schoolwork until lunchtime. After lunch, we would build lego, draw, bake, play in the garden, chat with friends on Zoom, play video games or watch a film, anything to try to while away the time.

During that first lockdown, we were only allowed out for exercise once a day and we would go for a walk in the early evening, after dinner. Along the way we would look out for rainbows in windows; those and messages kids had chalked on the pavement helped keep our spirits up. The kids’ favourite walk was down by the river where there were trees to climb, logs to balance on and ropes to swing on. As the weather got warmer and lockdown measures eased, we spent more time there, paddling and swimming. A good friend lent us some skateboards and skateboarding quickly became another favourite thing to do.

We were so grateful to have an outdoor space, even if it was pretty small, and had a record number of barbeques that spring and summer

Like almost everyone else we bought a hair trimmer; the kids were reluctant to let their dad cut their hair but were persuaded with promises of lollipops.